Sunday, June 10, 2012

Partying With TWC

I went to the Time Warner Cable upfront party last week.  It was a great night, not to hot with just the perfect breeze. I headed toward the Yotel Hotel on 42nd and  10th Ave. It was my first time at this hotel but I was very excited because I heard great things. Everyone who stays there talks about how this hotel is very futuristic. When you walk in it’s like the Jetsons cartoon but in the year 2012. There is automated check in. They have a machine named YOBOT and this machine will store your luggage before check in or after check out so you can make the most of your visit.


                                  This is AUTOMATED check in... How cool is this!!!!!
Please meet YOBOT the luggage toting machine!!!!!
I know many people will never admit they watch the Mob Wives. We are people of a certain class and Mob Wives can be our guilty pleasure. We despise the bottle throwing, hair pulling, table flipping type of entertainment. Neither I nor you would be caught dead watching this type of TV. Well I just happen to see Karen, yes Sammy “The Bull’s " daughter. As we know her father was responsible for helping bring down John Gotti. I tried not to stare too hard because I didn’t want any problems with this girl from SI and a Mob daughter. Fun times with Karen. She was actually nicer than you would expect.   Anybody know what happened to Drita? I guess TWC didn’t want police breaking up this party so I bet Drita was advised to stay home.

Karen Gravano and Ramona Rizzo "Mob Wives"

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! They actually look very approachable. :-)
    keep them coming!
